Junior High UIL Concert and Sightreading Itineraries - UpdatedVandal BandsApr 7, 2022Updated: Apr 13, 2022Updated 4/13Please note that contest will be held at Hallsville JH, not Hallsville HS.7th Grade Itinerary - Thursday, April 21st - Hallsville HS2022 7th Grade Concert and Sighreading.pdfDownload PDF • 535KB8th Grade Itinerary - Friday, April 22nd - Hallsville HS2022 8th Grade UIL Concert and Sigtreading Contest- Updated.pdfDownload PDF • 33KB
Updated 4/13Please note that contest will be held at Hallsville JH, not Hallsville HS.7th Grade Itinerary - Thursday, April 21st - Hallsville HS2022 7th Grade Concert and Sighreading.pdfDownload PDF • 535KB8th Grade Itinerary - Friday, April 22nd - Hallsville HS2022 8th Grade UIL Concert and Sigtreading Contest- Updated.pdfDownload PDF • 33KB