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Palestine Football Game - August 27, 2021
4:40 pm – Arrive 4:45 pm - Roll Check in your seat with your uniform in its bag. Wear band shirt, white socks, and white band shoes 6:30...

2021-2022 VHS Band Registration
Please Submit by Friday, August 6th

Congratulations VHS Band Leadership Team!
Drum Majors Nathaniel Murray Timon Ovard Woodwind Section/Drill Leaders Timon Ovard Maddison Starr Nicole Frey Megan Weiss Hannah Stanley...

8th Graders! High School Band Meet and Greet
Saturday, May 15th Noon High School Band Hall Stop by if you are able for some free pizza (provided by our Band Parents) and a chance to...

2021-2022 High School Band Summer Schedule
High School Band summer schedule is now available.

Band Parent Meeting- May 3rd
Monday, May 3rd High School Band Hall 7pm Please be in attendance as we will be discussing officer and bylaw changes.

Spring Concert Dates
High School Thursday, May 13th 6:30pm Van High School Gym Middle School Tuesday, May 18th 6:00pm Van Middle School Cafeteria Junior High...

High School Band UIL April 23rd
*Report to Band Hall 1st Period *8:30 am - Leave for Bullard *9:30 am - Arrive, Use the restroom. Get dressed and line up for warm up....

Congratulations, 2021-2022 Twirlers!
VHS Majorette Line 2021-2022 Nicole Frey - Captain Samantha Gilchrist Ava Hopson Lainy Parish Jacquline Weisinger Olivia York VJH...

VBPA Scholarship Application
Band Seniors! This year's scholarship application is now available. Please complete and submit by Tuesday, May 4th! Fill it out HERE.

-Upcoming Events-
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